The delicate data can be safe and secure by programming air tight mechanism which has adopted by programming FBI effectively. Up programmers date Antivirus system, firewall and root kit can play crucial role programmers offer protection to programming internet and computer system. Intrusion detection system also can help if someones community has been attacked. A network also calls for VPNs in the event that they were people getting access to network remotely. In programming last but not least exemplary punishments and fine should introduce through programming laws towards programming cyber terrorists as programming Pakistan has introduce programming Prevention of Electronic Crime Ordinance 2007 where Section 17 exemplary punishments has been provided for programming cyber terrorists. he modern world is asserted programmers be computing device technology global village, collective efforts of programming global nations against this menace programmers next programmers this human civilization, may give knowledge preventive measures in opposition t programming cyber crook and cyber terrorists. There are sure risks linked to this enterprise model and experts should pay serious attention programmers address them. Social Media MarketingThe dawn of 21st century has announced many inventions in business agencies. These inventions have considerably modified programming methods of accomplishing company actions and means of communicating with customers. As globalization is eliminating obstacles and giant business groups are emerging at local levels, buyers are showing attention in programming products offered by multinational and foreign groups. How Social media FacebookMedia is an important tool of conversation or instrument of passing round significant information. Some examples of media that comes programmers mind each time one mentions programming word are radio and newspaper, however there are other mediums of communication that pass for media akin to programming magazines, supplementary, guides, flyers, banners and catalogues among others.